Zdeněk Rumpík získal cenu v Permu!
Herci Východočeského divadla Pardubice se v pátek 7. října vrátili z ruského Permu, kde se v tamním Divadle U mostu účastnili mezinárodního Festivalu her Martina McDonagha, do jehož programu přispěli tragikomedií Mrzák inishmaanský v režii Ladislava Špinera.
7. října se na závěrečném galavečeru druhého ročníku soutěžní přehlídky vyhlašovaly ceny a Východočeské divadlo Pardubice bylo mezi jmenovanými – Zdeněk Rumpík v roli Johnyho Pateena Miky získal cenu pro nejlepšího herce festivalu ve vedlejší roli!
Rozdáno bylo celkem jedenáct ocenění, která udělovala jedenáctičlenná mezinárodní porota složená z divadelníků z Ruska, Francie, Izraele a Iránu. Během sedmi dnů porota a diváci zhlédli 18 představení 14 divadel z 9 států světa (odborná porota vybírala účastníky festivalu ze 150 přihlášek!).
Along the feather edge of senses, in creative tense and on high emotional rise – all this can be said about the the Second International Festival of Martin McDonagh dedicated to the dramaturgy of the talented contemporary Irish playwright was held from the 1st to 7th of October in the city of Perm
In 7 days both the audience and sophisticated jurymen saw 18 performances and managed to judge productions by participants from 9 countries. The best performances were presented by theatres from Russia – Perm theatre “U Mosta”, “Nash Dom” from Oziorsk, Theatre.Akt from Kazan, “Stariy Dom” theatre from Novosibirsk, Student theatre VGIK from Moscow and also by foreign guests of the Festival – “Barakah” Teatr from Poland, “Tron Theatre” from Scotland, “Narodno Pozoriste Sombor” from Serbia, Azerbaijan State Youth Theatre, “Montenegrin National Theatre” from Montenegro, “Východočeské Divadlo Pardubice” from the Czech Republic, “Nowadays” theatre from Iran and “Bardic” theatre from Northern Ireland. Russian premiere of “Hangmen” by theatre “U Mosta” was performed in non-competition programme.
The Organizing Committee of the Festival held daily media scrums with representatives of the theatre companies, the directors and jurymen held workshops and panel discussions, the theatre-goers had a chance to visit the discussions of the performances, showed within the Festival.
More details you can find in section “Festival Chronicles” on our website:
and in social networks: https://vk.com/teatrumosta, https://www.facebook.com/teatrumosta/.
There one can also find the Festival video diary - https://vk.com/videos-2007865?section=album_1 and https://www.facebook.com/teatrumosta/videos?ref=page_internal
Jury of the Second International Martin McDonagh Festival:
- Sergei Dreiden (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
President of the Jury. Film and theatre actor, winner of the International Monodrama Festival "Monocle", winner of two National Theatre Award “Golden Mask”, winner of the three highest theater prize of St. Petersburg “Golden Sofit”, winner of the Prize of the Russian Academy Nika Award, winner of Vladislav Strzhelchik Award, winner of Andrei Tolubeyev Award, winner of Tsarskoye Selo Art Award.
- Oleg Pivovarov (Moscow, Russia)
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland, winner of Moscow award in the field of literature and art, editor-in-chief of the “Theatre life” magazine.
- Pavel Podkladov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, journalist, the head of the literary section of Melikhovo Theatre “Chekhov Studio”, actor.
- Vera Shamina (Kazan, Russia)
Specialist in drama study, Doctor of Philology, professor of foreign literature faculty at Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, science editor of the Russian publication of the book "The theatre and films of Martin McDonagh".
- Marina Timasheva (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, specialist in drama study, journalist, candidate of Art Sciences, editor of “Theatre Issues” magazine, observer of “Kommersant FM” radio, chairman of the critic committee of Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation, teacher at GITIS-Theatre, the head of the council of experts of “MelikhovovskayaVesna” and “Voice of History” festivals, expert of Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation Award “The Highlight of Season” and Igor Tsarev Award.
- Roland Bonnin (Paris, France)
Director, artistic director and director of the theatre company Aux Rages de l'ame.
- Ardeshir Salehpour (Teheran, Iran)
Writer, researcher, playwright, director, professor, candidate of Art Sciences at the Iranian university “Honar”.
- Mikhail Skomorokhov (Perm, Russia)
Artistic director of Perm Youth Theatre, Honored Artist of the Russian federation, winner of National Theatre Award “Arlekin”, winner of the Russian Federation Government Award, honorary freeman of Perm, professor.
- Valery Begunov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, member of the Editorial Board of “The Modern Dramaturgy” magazine and series of book of modern plays for children and youth “I enter the world of arts”; deputy editor-in-chief of “The Klauzura” magazine, member and organizer of sociocultural theatre program and projects, member of expert groups, organizing committees and jury of various scenic festivals and contests.
- Aleksandr Vislov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, a senior scientific researcher at State Institute of Art, editor of "Theatre Issues" magazine, teacher, class leader at GITIS drama study Faculty, expert of the “Golden Mask” National Theatre Award, organizer and programming director of several Russian festivals and theatre laboratories.
- Oleg Rodovilsky (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Actor, director, artistic director of “Zero” Theatre, president of “The Russian Curtain” Festival (Israel).
- Best Ensemble – “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, “Bardic” theatre (Northern Ireland);
- Best Actress – Ana Vujosevic, for the part of Maureen in “The Beauty Queen”, Montenegrin National Theatre (Montenegro);
- Actress in a Supporting Role - Frances Jordan, for the part of Mammy in “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, “Bardic” theatre (Northern Ireland)
- Best Actor - Michael Dylan, for the part of Father Welsh in “The Lonesome West”, Tron Theatre (Scotland);
- Best Actor Duet – Anatoly Grigoriev and Timofei Mamlin, “The Lonesome West”, “Stariy Dom” Theatre (Novosibirsk, Russia);
- Special Jury award “For discovery and sequential implementation of McDonagh`s dramaturgy and excellent organization of the Festival” – Perm Theatre “U Mosta”;
- Special Jury award “For outstanding implementation of characters of McDonagh’s drama” - Vladimir Ilyin – actor of the Theatre “U Mosta”
- Special Jury award “For the part of Sharlie in “Hangmen” by Martin McDonagh” - Alevtina Borovskaya – actress of the Theatre “U Mosta”.
The Second International Festival of Martin McDonagh has become a bright theatrical event both in Russia and in the whole world. Critics and theatre lovers will discuss it for a long time, expecting the continuation of this magic story – holding of the only one International Martin McDonagh Festival and meeting with its encourager, an artistic director of Perm theatre “U Mosta” Sergei Fedotov.
11, Kuibysheva St., Perm
tel.: +7 (342) 237 52 42
e-mail: umosta2007@mail.ru
7. října se na závěrečném galavečeru druhého ročníku soutěžní přehlídky vyhlašovaly ceny a Východočeské divadlo Pardubice bylo mezi jmenovanými – Zdeněk Rumpík v roli Johnyho Pateena Miky získal cenu pro nejlepšího herce festivalu ve vedlejší roli!
Rozdáno bylo celkem jedenáct ocenění, která udělovala jedenáctičlenná mezinárodní porota složená z divadelníků z Ruska, Francie, Izraele a Iránu. Během sedmi dnů porota a diváci zhlédli 18 představení 14 divadel z 9 států světa (odborná porota vybírala účastníky festivalu ze 150 přihlášek!).
Radek Smetana
Oficiální tisková zpráva Divadla U mostu:
Along the feather edge of senses, in creative tense and on high emotional rise – all this can be said about the the Second International Festival of Martin McDonagh dedicated to the dramaturgy of the talented contemporary Irish playwright was held from the 1st to 7th of October in the city of Perm
In 7 days both the audience and sophisticated jurymen saw 18 performances and managed to judge productions by participants from 9 countries. The best performances were presented by theatres from Russia – Perm theatre “U Mosta”, “Nash Dom” from Oziorsk, Theatre.Akt from Kazan, “Stariy Dom” theatre from Novosibirsk, Student theatre VGIK from Moscow and also by foreign guests of the Festival – “Barakah” Teatr from Poland, “Tron Theatre” from Scotland, “Narodno Pozoriste Sombor” from Serbia, Azerbaijan State Youth Theatre, “Montenegrin National Theatre” from Montenegro, “Východočeské Divadlo Pardubice” from the Czech Republic, “Nowadays” theatre from Iran and “Bardic” theatre from Northern Ireland. Russian premiere of “Hangmen” by theatre “U Mosta” was performed in non-competition programme.
The Organizing Committee of the Festival held daily media scrums with representatives of the theatre companies, the directors and jurymen held workshops and panel discussions, the theatre-goers had a chance to visit the discussions of the performances, showed within the Festival.
More details you can find in section “Festival Chronicles” on our website:
and in social networks: https://vk.com/teatrumosta, https://www.facebook.com/teatrumosta/.
There one can also find the Festival video diary - https://vk.com/videos-2007865?section=album_1 and https://www.facebook.com/teatrumosta/videos?ref=page_internal
Jury of the Second International Martin McDonagh Festival:
- Sergei Dreiden (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
President of the Jury. Film and theatre actor, winner of the International Monodrama Festival "Monocle", winner of two National Theatre Award “Golden Mask”, winner of the three highest theater prize of St. Petersburg “Golden Sofit”, winner of the Prize of the Russian Academy Nika Award, winner of Vladislav Strzhelchik Award, winner of Andrei Tolubeyev Award, winner of Tsarskoye Selo Art Award.
- Oleg Pivovarov (Moscow, Russia)
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland, winner of Moscow award in the field of literature and art, editor-in-chief of the “Theatre life” magazine.
- Pavel Podkladov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, journalist, the head of the literary section of Melikhovo Theatre “Chekhov Studio”, actor.
- Vera Shamina (Kazan, Russia)
Specialist in drama study, Doctor of Philology, professor of foreign literature faculty at Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, science editor of the Russian publication of the book "The theatre and films of Martin McDonagh".
- Marina Timasheva (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, specialist in drama study, journalist, candidate of Art Sciences, editor of “Theatre Issues” magazine, observer of “Kommersant FM” radio, chairman of the critic committee of Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation, teacher at GITIS-Theatre, the head of the council of experts of “MelikhovovskayaVesna” and “Voice of History” festivals, expert of Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation Award “The Highlight of Season” and Igor Tsarev Award.
- Roland Bonnin (Paris, France)
Director, artistic director and director of the theatre company Aux Rages de l'ame.
- Ardeshir Salehpour (Teheran, Iran)
Writer, researcher, playwright, director, professor, candidate of Art Sciences at the Iranian university “Honar”.
- Mikhail Skomorokhov (Perm, Russia)
Artistic director of Perm Youth Theatre, Honored Artist of the Russian federation, winner of National Theatre Award “Arlekin”, winner of the Russian Federation Government Award, honorary freeman of Perm, professor.
- Valery Begunov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, member of the Editorial Board of “The Modern Dramaturgy” magazine and series of book of modern plays for children and youth “I enter the world of arts”; deputy editor-in-chief of “The Klauzura” magazine, member and organizer of sociocultural theatre program and projects, member of expert groups, organizing committees and jury of various scenic festivals and contests.
- Aleksandr Vislov (Moscow, Russia)
Theatre critic, a senior scientific researcher at State Institute of Art, editor of "Theatre Issues" magazine, teacher, class leader at GITIS drama study Faculty, expert of the “Golden Mask” National Theatre Award, organizer and programming director of several Russian festivals and theatre laboratories.
- Oleg Rodovilsky (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Actor, director, artistic director of “Zero” Theatre, president of “The Russian Curtain” Festival (Israel).
Results of the Festival were announced on the Closing Ceremony on the 7th of October 2016:
- GRAND PRIX of the Festival – Tron Theatre (Scotland) and “Stariy Dom” Theatre (Novosibirsk, Russia) for the performances “The Lonesome West”;- Best Ensemble – “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, “Bardic” theatre (Northern Ireland);
- Best Actress – Ana Vujosevic, for the part of Maureen in “The Beauty Queen”, Montenegrin National Theatre (Montenegro);
- Actress in a Supporting Role - Frances Jordan, for the part of Mammy in “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, “Bardic” theatre (Northern Ireland)
- Best Actor - Michael Dylan, for the part of Father Welsh in “The Lonesome West”, Tron Theatre (Scotland);
- Actor in a Supporting Role – Zdenek Rumpík, for the part of Johnnypateenmike in “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, Východočeské Divadlo Pardubice (the Czech Republic);
- Laureate Diploma “For original visual implementation of acting space” – “The Pillowman”, Nowadays Theatre (Iran);- Best Actor Duet – Anatoly Grigoriev and Timofei Mamlin, “The Lonesome West”, “Stariy Dom” Theatre (Novosibirsk, Russia);
- Special Jury award “For discovery and sequential implementation of McDonagh`s dramaturgy and excellent organization of the Festival” – Perm Theatre “U Mosta”;
- Special Jury award “For outstanding implementation of characters of McDonagh’s drama” - Vladimir Ilyin – actor of the Theatre “U Mosta”
- Special Jury award “For the part of Sharlie in “Hangmen” by Martin McDonagh” - Alevtina Borovskaya – actress of the Theatre “U Mosta”.
The Second International Festival of Martin McDonagh has become a bright theatrical event both in Russia and in the whole world. Critics and theatre lovers will discuss it for a long time, expecting the continuation of this magic story – holding of the only one International Martin McDonagh Festival and meeting with its encourager, an artistic director of Perm theatre “U Mosta” Sergei Fedotov.
11, Kuibysheva St., Perm
tel.: +7 (342) 237 52 42
e-mail: umosta2007@mail.ru
Radek Smetana
Public Relations manažer
tel: 466 616 412
nebo 602 595 016
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